Thursday, June 23, 2011

ECC Weeks 9-11 Brazil - A Recap of Our 2010-2011 School Year in Pictures


WEEKS 9 to 11 - Brazil

When we began Brazil we began reading about Nate Saint.  I blogged about that in another post so I won't repeat here.  It's listed in May 2011 under 'Kingdom Tales and Christian Bios'.
While reading about Nate Saint we assembled an MAF paper airplane included in the student sheets.  This was a neat addition since Nate's yellow airplane was a big part of his story.

The directions for the headdresses we made were in the book The Rainforest Indians by Ruth Thomson.

We also made Fiesta Masks and Costumes for Carnival.  We used foam stamps and paint to decorate the costume (shirt) made from felt.  (I placed a piece of cardboard between the layers to keep the paint from soaking through.)  I had the felt so that's what we used.  I probably would have chosen to buy cheap t-shirts if I didn't have the felt.  I purchased paper mache' masks and the kids decorated them by painting them and then embellishing them with feathers and jewels.

The kids also made lapbooks for Brazil and the rainforest.

We made a rainforest terrarium but I never got around to taking a picture of it.  The kids really enjoyed that project as well.  They especially enjoyed going to Lowes and shopping for the plants.  What kid (and man) doesn't love to shop there.

Next up:  Europe

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