Thursday, June 23, 2011

ECC Weeks 18-20 Kenya - A Recap of Our 2010-2011 School Year in Pictures

AFRICA (Kenya) and our 100th Day of School

WEEKS 18-20 - Kenya

For Africa we did a Kenya lapbook page and an African animals lapbook.

We also did our mural project with a print out of a tree and stickers.

The game Mancala was scheduled in the TM with directions on how to make the game out of an egg carton.  I realized while I was reading the directions that we actually had the game in a wood game set my husband and I purchased years ago.  I'm not sure why but the kids loved playing this.

We made fabric bowls and tie dye shirts for our crafts.  I don't think I had ever made anything tie dye before.  Well, I vaguely remember a tie dye project from church camp when I was a child many moons ago.  It was fun and the kids really enjoyed making their own creations.  I previously posted about the bowls but included a couple of different pictures here.

We also attempted to make a substitute ivory craft out of soap but that one just didn't work out very well.  We followed the directions in the Global Art book.  As instructed, I put two bars of white soap, each in its own bag of water to soften.  The soap never would soften.  I was using a generic store brand.  I think that may have been the reason.


Our 100th day of school is also our pajama day.  My kids know that public school has a pajama day so they wanted to have one, too.  So I just did a double day and celebrated both on the same day.  Both kids couldn't wait to wear their p.j.'s but after lunch Beau asked if he could change.  He must be growing up.  This year may have been our last pajama day.  :(

On the 100th day of school we played coin games, counted coins, made a snack with 100 pieces and more.

On to Asia . . .

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