Monday, November 21, 2011

Early Christmas Break

We will be taking our Christmas break now since we will be moving the first of December.  We will get back to our regular studies beginning with Creation to the Greeks Week 15 after the first of the year.

I hope to get a chance to post about our CTG weeks 13 and 14 soon.  If not, I'll be back after the first of January.


1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am so happy I found your blog! I was online searching for Tree lapbooks. I found an image of your cover and began searching your blog.

    My six-year-old daughter are going to make our first lapbook, which, obviously, is going to be about trees. We just got done learning about trees and I thought making a lapbook would be a good way to wrap up the lesson. As I was going through your posts, I found that you are using My Father's World, which is what I use (for first grade)! Also, as I was looking through your favorite websites, I see that one of the sites is about dyslexia, which is something that I believe my daughter has!

    Like I said, I am SO glad I found your blog. I'm sure, being that your are a more experienced homeschool mom, I will learn a GREAT deal from you! Thanks for sharing!
