Saturday, August 20, 2011

CTG Week 1

This week was our first full week of school.  We were all still getting into the routine of things and taking it a bit slow.

Our Projects

We completed two similar hands on projects this week.

The first project was the notebook page from the MFW CTG Student Pack.  Instead of having my kids draw in the days of creation I had them use colored paper, stickers and anything else I had on hand that would work.  They really don't like to color or draw too much so they really liked completing the project this way.

The second project was the Days of Creation project from our Old Testament Activity Pak from Homeschool in the Woods.

We also started the art program God and the History of Art.  I have not been able to follow through with a formal art program in the past but I'm hoping to stick with this one this year. 

The kids first lesson was a lesson in frustration.  The book told a little about Joni Eareckson Tada and then challenged the kids to try to draw with a pencil in their mouths.  I looked up some of Joni's artwork online and we also brought up the movie we recently watched, Soul Surfer as we talked about other disabilities and ways to work around them.  As we discussed this the kids got the idea of trying this project with their toes as well!

For more information about Joni you can visit her web site here:

Creation Game

For a review of the days of creation I thought we could play a simple game.  I sort of made up my own variaton from two creation game ideas that were listed on the My Father's World Kindergarten Creation week archives board.  I printed the Creation Game Board and Flash Cards found here:  I then used the game pieces and one die from our Sum Swamp game (any small toy animals or even buttons or beans and die could be used.)

The rules I made up were as follows:

Roll the die.  To move forward you must correctly say what God created on that day.  If you answer incorrectly you lose your turn.  If you answer correctly you move forward the number of spaces you rolled on the die.  If you land on a number on the game board you may move forward that amount of spaces.  If you land on a  negative number you must tell what happened on that corresponding day of creation.  If you are correct you move forward that number of spaces.  If you are incorrect you move back that number of spaces.  To help us remember, as mom would get days 3 and 4 mixed up herself, I laid out the number cards from the flash card deck I printed face down and wrote the numbers on the back. Then the players could self check their answers.  The kids thought it was a fun way to review the Days of Creation.  (This was much easier to say than to write.)

We didn't get to do the Sabbath feast due to scheduling and time conflicts.  :(


  1. Great 1st week! You could always do the sabbath feast for dinner one evening :)

  2. we are starting school next week and CTG the following week, so we will be just a bit behind you. I'm excited to follow your blog. I see from your curriculum page we have a similar plan, I too am switching out Genesis for Kids for Zoo 3.
    Keep blogging, love it!
