Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our Time Line Book

We no longer had room for our wall timeline so I came up with my own solution.

I purchased a 14" X 8 1/2" landscape binder and 14" X 8 1/2" landscape sheet protectors from an office supply store.

I printed a thick line down the middle of several sheets of cardstock and placed them in the sheet protectors which I placed in the binder. 

I used the timeline pieces from our My Father's World curriculum to fill in the dates.

I used images from the internet and two pieces of card stock to make a custom cover sheet for our book.

My kids love to look through the book each time we place a new timeline piece in the book.

Below you can see our cover and our completed CTG pieces and some of our RTR pieces that were not yet completed but temporarily placed in the book so I could figure out the spacing that would be needed.