Well, we haven't gotten a lot of summer school done but my kids have been learning other things this summer in leaps and bounds. And having fun just being kids.
About a month or so ago Beau rediscovered Lego's and realized he really enjoys them. He likes aliens and Lego's recently came out with an alien themed series. He has almost the entire set. His next goal is to obtain some of the Pharaoh's Quest sets. We will be studying Ancient Egypt in part this fall and he thought this set would be a great addition. He already sold, under my supervision, some of his Nintendo DS games on ebay this summer to raise money to purchase a few of them. He is anxiously awaiting their arrival so he can get started on them.
Beau proudly showing off one of his alien space ships after it's completion |
Beau pointing out his current favorite and most difficult set yet |
He is also currently working toward earning the Alien Quest Mother Ship by reading 40 books. It has been a great reading motivator for him and it was his idea. :)
Roo has been taking piano lessons. She started back in April and is really enjoying it. She is doing a great job!
At the beginning of the summer Beau finally became comfortable and confident with riding his bike on his own. Well, there is no way little sis is going to let him get away with that without her. They both have become independent bicycle riders. Mom and Dad couldn't be more proud. :)
Beau is ready to go while Roo waits for a lesson with Dad |
Beau and Roo with cousin K |
The girls showing off Roo's new skills |
Beau showing his independence |
The trio are off again! |
Other fun activities they have been up to have included rides with Dad on 'his bike' and lots of swimming!!
Roo and Dad |
Beau and Dad |
Dad with the kids and Cousin K |
Coming Soon . . . My curriculum choices for the 2011-2012 school year.